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Technical Specifications of PVC Waterstops

Meta Description: Learn about the technical specifications of PVC waterstops, from composition, structure to waterproofing, heat resistance, and quality standards, such as ASTM, ISO, DIN.

Understanding the Key Technical Specifications of PVC Waterstops

Sapo: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) waterstops are indispensable materials in modern construction due to their high durability and excellent waterproofing properties. With superior technical characteristics, PVC waterstops ensure the safety and longevity of structures. Let’s explore the detailed technical specifications of PVC waterstops and the quality standards these products must meet.

Composition and Structure

Main Material

PVC waterstops are made from Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), a highly flexible synthetic resin. PVC is a durable material that can withstand harsh conditions and is resistant to environmental impacts such as chemicals, UV rays, and high temperatures.

Additives and Stabilizers

To enhance technical properties, PVC waterstops often include additives and stabilizers, such as antioxidants, heat stabilizers, and plasticizers. These additives help improve the durability, tensile strength, and flexibility of the product.

Properties that make PVC suitable for waterstops

Waterproofing and Durability

Excellent Waterproofing Ability

PVC waterstops have exceptional waterproofing capabilities, effectively preventing water infiltration through expansion joints, construction joints, and cracks in concrete structures. This ensures the integrity and durability of the construction.

Tensile Strength and Elongation

PVC waterstops have high tensile strength, withstanding significant tensile forces without tearing or damage. The elongation of PVC is also crucial, allowing the material to adapt to deformation and expansion of concrete structures under pressure and temperature changes.

Heat Resistance and Chemical Resistance

Withstanding High and Low Temperatures

PVC can endure large temperature variations, from sub-zero temperatures to high heat without becoming brittle or cracking. This ability ensures that PVC waterstops function effectively in harsh environmental conditions.

Chemical and UV Resistance

PVC waterstops are resistant to many chemicals, including acids, alkalis, and salts. This protects the material from corrosion and damage when exposed to these substances. Additionally, UV resistance ensures that PVC does not degrade over time and maintains its properties.

Technical Specifications of PVC Waterstops

Several key specifications define the quality and suitability of PVC waterstops for different applications:

• Dimensions:

Standard dimensions vary, with common widths ranging from 150mm to 320mm, and thicknesses from 4mm to 10mm. The choice of dimensions depends on the joint size and expected water pressure.

• Tensile Strength:

 A critical factor, tensile strength indicates the waterstop’s ability to withstand stretching forces. Typically, PVC waterstops have a tensile strength of at least 12 MPa.

• Elongation at Break:

 This property measures the waterstop’s ability to stretch without breaking, which is vital for accommodating movement in concrete joints. PVC waterstops typically exhibit an elongation of 300% or more.

• Shore A Hardness:

This measure of hardness, generally ranging from 70 to 80 Shore A, reflects the waterstop’s resistance to indentation and its ability to maintain shape under pressure.

• Chemical Resistance: PVC waterstops are resistant to many chemicals, making them suitable for various industrial and environmental conditions. This resistance is critical for long-term performance, especially in harsh chemical environments.

Quality Standards

ASTM Standards

PVC waterstops must comply with the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), such as ASTM D412 for tensile strength, ASTM D2240 for hardness, and ASTM D570 for water absorption.

ISO Standards

The standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) also apply to PVC waterstops, such as ISO 37 for tensile strength, ISO 868 for hardness, and ISO 62 for water absorption.

DIN Standards

The standards of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) are another important benchmark for PVC waterstops, such as DIN 53504 for tensile strength and DIN 53505 for hardness.

Benefits of PVC Waterstops

High Durability

PVC waterstops offer high durability, excellent tensile strength, and pressure resistance, helping to protect concrete structures from environmental impacts. This ensures a long service life and reduces maintenance costs.

Easy Installation and Application

PVC waterstops are highly flexible, making them easy to cut, bend, and install on-site. This saves time and construction costs while ensuring optimal waterproofing efficiency.

Environmental Protection

PVC is a recyclable material, helping to reduce negative environmental impacts. Using PVC waterstops not only provides economic benefits but also contributes to environmental protection.


The technical specifications of PVC waterstops have proven their superiority in the construction industry. With high durability, effective waterproofing, and chemical resistance, PVC waterstops are an ideal choice for modern constructions. Adhering to quality standards such as ASTM, ISO, and DIN ensures that the products achieve the best performance.

Let OnoffPlastic be your trusted partner in every construction project. Visit onoffplastic.com today to discover high-quality PVC waterstops, carefully selected from top manufacturers. Don’t miss the chance to receive free consultation from our experienced experts. We are committed to providing effective and sustainable waterproofing solutions, ensuring peace of mind and long-lasting durability for your projects. Contact us now to receive special offers and join us in building robust and enduring structures over

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