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Comparison of PVC Waterstop and Bitumen

Meta Description: Explore the differences between PVC waterstop and Bitumen in terms of installation methods, application areas, key features, and many more of each material in construction.

Understanding the Differences Between PVC Waterstop and Bitumen

Sapo: PVC waterstop and Bitumen are two commonly used materials in waterproofing construction projects. Each material has unique properties and installation methods, making them suitable for different applications and requirements. In this article, we will compare these two materials in aspects such as installation methods, application areas, pros & cons, and many more to help you choose the right solution for your construction needs.

Material Composition and Properties

PVC Waterstop:

PVC waterstops are made from a highly flexible, durable form of polyvinyl chloride. They are designed to withstand extreme conditions, including exposure to chemicals, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and a wide range of temperatures.

Key Properties:

• High Flexibility: PVC waterstops maintain flexibility even in cold conditions, making them ideal for use in varying climates.

• Durability: Resistant to many chemicals, oils, and solvents, making them suitable for diverse applications.

• UV Resistance: PVC waterstops are resistant to UV rays, ensuring longevity when exposed to sunlight.

Bitum Waterstop:

Bitum waterstops are made from bituminous materials, which are a mixture of organic liquids that are highly viscous, sticky, and waterproof. Bitum waterstops are often used in conjunction with other materials to form a composite waterstop.

Key Properties:

• Adhesive Quality: Bitum’s natural stickiness allows it to bond well with concrete surfaces.

• Waterproofing Ability: Known for excellent waterproofing characteristics, particularly in applications where a tight seal is crucial.

• Low Flexibility: Compared to PVC, Bitum waterstops are less flexible, which may limit their use in structures that undergo significant movement or vibration.

Installation Methods

PVC Waterstop Installation:

PVC waterstop is installed in expansion joints, construction joints, and other connections in concrete structures before pouring concrete. The material must be securely fixed to ensure it does not shift during the concrete pouring process. The PVC waterstop sections are typically joined by thermal welding to ensure watertight seams that prevent water infiltration.

  • Technical Requirements: Installing PVC waterstop requires high precision, particularly in welding and securing the material. Workers need skills and experience to ensure the best waterproofing performance.

Bitumen Installation:

 Bitumen is typically applied by brushing or spraying onto the concrete surface or using bitumen sheets adhered directly to the surface. This method is usually carried out after the concrete structure is completed. To achieve the desired thickness and waterproofing effect, bitumen needs to be applied in multiple layers.

  • Technical Requirements: Bitumen installation is simpler than PVC waterstop. However, attention must be paid to surface preparation before application to ensure that bitumen adheres well to the concrete surface, avoiding voids or cracks that could cause water leakage.

Application Areas in Construction

PVC Waterstop Applications: 

PVC waterstop is commonly used in expansion joints, construction joints, and other connections in underground structures, hydroelectric dams, bridges, and tunnels. These are areas that experience high water pressure and require absolute waterproofing. PVC waterstop is also applied in projects that demand long-term durability and reliable waterproofing.

Bitumen Applications:

Bitumen is often used for large surfaces such as roofs, basements, retaining walls, and areas requiring waterproofing but not subjected to high water pressure. Bitumen is also commonly applied in residential buildings or to address waterproofing issues in existing structures like roofs and walls that have developed leaks over time.

Performance and Durability

PVC Waterstop:

PVC waterstops are known for their excellent durability and performance over time. They can withstand significant pressure and are not prone to cracking or degradation under normal conditions. Their resistance to various chemicals makes them ideal for use in environments where exposure to aggressive substances is a concern.


While Bitumen offer excellent waterproofing, their durability can be compromised by temperature fluctuations, which may cause them to harden or become brittle over time. Additionally, Bitum’s adhesive quality can degrade, especially when exposed to solvents or oils.

Cost and Maintenance

PVC Waterstop:

PVC waterstops are generally more expensive than Bitum waterstops due to their superior material properties and longer lifespan. However, their maintenance requirements are minimal, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.


Bitumen are typically less expensive initially, but they may require more frequent maintenance or replacement due to potential degradation over time. The long-term cost can therefore be higher, especially in projects where longevity and durability are critical.

Environmental Impact

PVC Waterstop:

PVC is a synthetic plastic material, and its production and disposal can have environmental impacts. However, its long lifespan and durability can mitigate some of these concerns by reducing the need for frequent replacement.


Bitumen is derived from petroleum, making it a non-renewable resource. The environmental impact of Bitum is higher, particularly during production and disposal, where the material can contribute to pollution and waste.

Pros and Cons of PVC Waterstop and Bitumen

PVC Waterstop

  • Advantages :
    • Superior Waterproofing: PVC waterstop offers excellent waterproofing performance under high water pressure.
    • High Durability: The material has good tensile strength and elongation, protecting structures from damage due to temperature changes and environmental stress.
    • Suitable for Long-Term Projects: PVC waterstop is often used in projects requiring high durability and long service life.
  • Disadvantages:
    • High Technical Requirements: The installation process for PVC waterstop requires skilled labor and careful execution.
    • Higher Cost: Compared to bitumen, the material and installation costs of PVC waterstop are typically higher.


  • Advantages:
    • Easy Installation: The installation process for bitumen is relatively simple and does not require high technical skills.
    • Lower Cost: Bitumen has lower material and installation costs, making it suitable for residential projects or projects with less stringent waterproofing requirements.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Lower Waterproofing Performance: Bitumen does not perform as well under high water pressure compared to PVC waterstop.
    • Lower Durability: Bitumen is more prone to damage and requires more frequent maintenance, especially in harsh weather conditions.

Real-World Examples of PVC Waterstop and Bitumen Applications

  • PVC Waterstop in Da River Hydropower Project: PVC waterstop was used in the construction joints and expansion joints of the Da River hydropower project. The high water pressure resistance and long-term durability of PVC ensured that the dam’s waterproofing system would function effectively for many years.
  • Bitumen in Roof Repair of an Office Building in Ho Chi Minh City: After several years of use, the office building experienced water leakage issues on its roof. Bitumen was applied to cover the entire roof surface, effectively sealing it against water infiltration and resolving the leakage problem.

Conclusion – Which One Should You Choose?

PVC waterstop and Bitumen each have their own advantages and are suitable for different construction requirements and conditions. Below is a short yet clear classification that tells which material is best for you:

PVC Waterstop: Ideal for projects that demand high flexibility, chemical resistance, and long-term durability, such as large-scale infrastructure projects or areas with significant temperature variations.

Bitumen: Suitable for projects where cost is a significant concern and where the waterstop will not be exposed to harsh conditions or extreme temperature fluctuations.

Let OnoffPlastic be your trusted partner in all your construction projects. Visit onoffplastic.com today to discover high-quality PVC waterstop and Bitumen products, carefully selected from top manufacturers. Our team of experts is always ready to provide advice and offer optimal waterproofing solutions to ensure the durability and safety of your projects. Contact us now to receive special offers and join us in building strong and lasting structures.

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